Industry Applications
2-8 Issue 5 January 1998
Maximize Productivity and Efficiency
Many healthcare facilities participate in an integrated health network consisting
of numerous hospitals, clinics, doctors, offices, laboratories, and other medical
facilities. Although they are often autonomously managed, these multiple sites
have to function as a single organization to keep costs down and enable the
facilities to be financially successful.
Staff of integrated health networks includes administrators, nurses, technicians,
physicians, and support personnel. Many members of the staff are active multi-
ple shifts, and are seldom confined to an office.
Healthcare facilities need to be able to:
■ Manage multiple sites as if they were one
■ Maintain close communication links between widely-operated facilities,
and include related organizations such as suppliers and clinics
■ Reduce unnecessary overhead paging
■ Improve response to emergencies
■ Provide an efficient way to communicate non-emergency information to
busy mobile staff
DEFINITY ECS products can help healthcare facilities maintain productivity and
efficiency with the following products and features:
■ Standardized DEFINITY ECS systems, networked for feature transparency
with four-digit dialing between locations, can ensure that staff wastes no
time adapting to the communications system as they go from location to
■ Voice Messaging systems, networked together, can reduce personal
paging and eliminate telephone tag when staff must continuously leave
messages and wait for returned calls.
■ DEFINITY call center packages can support the facility’s busiest offices,
such as: business office, hotline groups, clinics, and admissions offices.
■ Lucent Technologies Call Accounting System for Windows
healthcare facilities to chargeback telephone equipment and usage to
doctors, clinics, and offices.
■ Lucent Technologies offers an array of wireless solutions that provide an
effective way to communicate with nurses, doctors and others who must
be mobile.
■ Outside labs, pharmacies, physicians’ practices, vendors, and other
organizations who frequently deal with the healthcare facility can obtain
guest mailboxes on the voice messaging system. The healthcare
institutions can thus avoid toll charges that should be paid by others.