Glossary and Abbreviations
555-230-024GL-30 Issue 5 January 1998
line port
Hardware that provides the access point to a communications system for each circuit associated
with a telephone or data terminal.
A transmitter-receiver channel that connects two systems.
link-access procedure on the D-channel (LAPD)
A link-layer protocol on the ISDN-BRI and ISDN-PRI data-link layer (level 2). LAPD provides data
transfer between two devices, and error and flow control on multiple logical links. LAPD is used
for signaling and low-speed packet data (X.25 and mode 3) on the signaling (D-) channel and for
mode-3 data communications on a bearer (B-) channel.
Local indirect neighbor link
local area network (LAN)
A networking arrangement designed for a limited geographical area. Generally, a LAN is limited in
range to a maximum of 6.2 miles and provides high-speed carrier service with low error rates.
Common configurations include daisy chain, star (including circuit-switched), ring, and bus.
logical link
The communications path between a processor and a BRI terminal.
loop-start trunk
A trunk on which, after establishing a connection with a distant switching system for an outgoing
call, the system waits for a signal on the loop formed by the trunk leads before sending the digits
of the called number.
Local storage unit
Leave Word Calling
Medium access
Modular asynchronous data unit
main distribution frame (MDF)
A device that mounts to the wall inside the system equipment room. The MDF provides a
connection point from outside telephone lines to the PBX switch and to the inside telephone
A private network configuration that can either stand alone or access an ETN. A main switch
provides interconnection, via tie trunks, with one or more subtending switches, called satellites; all
attendant positions for the main/satellite configuration; and access to and from the public
network. To a user outside the complex, a main/satellite configuration appears as one switch, with