How Should I Use This Book?
Issue 5 January 1998
How Should I Use This Book?
You will probably want to read or skim the Chapter 1, "Introduction" first to get a
basic understanding of the DEFINITY system. Chapter 2, "Industry Applications"
is a good place to go next, because it discusses in general terms specific
applications that may help you apply DEFINITY ECS creatively. It probably does
not describe your industry or situation exactly, but scanning several of the
examples may help you generate ideas about similar solutions you might apply.
Read the more in-depth discussions of general applications in Chapters 3
through 14 selectively, focusing on the solutions that suit your circumstances.
Appendix A lists all DEFINITY features, and includes a short description of each.
These feature descriptions may help you understand specific features as well as
the scope of DEFINITY ECS’s capabilities. The remainder of the book is
composed of reference material.
Conventions Used in This Book
The following conventions are used in this book:
■ The word “
is a general term for the DEFINITY Enterprise
Communications Server.
■ The information in this book refers to DEFINITY ECS Release 6 unless
otherwise specified.
Trademarks and Service Marks
This book contains references to the following Lucent Technologies trademarked
■ Call Accounting System for Windows®
■ Callmaster
■ CallVisor
■ CenterVu™
■ Concorde 4500™
■ FreeWorks™