A-14 Issue 5 January 1998
Call Park
Allows you to put a call on hold and then retrieve a call from any other telephone
on the system. This is helpful when you are on a call and need to go to another
location for information. It also allows you to answer a call from any telephone
after being paged by a telephone user or an attendant.
Call Pickup
Along with Directed Call Pickup, allows you to answer calls for other telephones
within your specified call pickup group. Directed Call Pickup allows you to pick
up any call on the DEFINITY ECS system. With this feature, you do not have to
leave your telephone to answer a call for a nearby telephone. You simply dial an
access code or press a Call Pickup button.
Call Waiting Termination
Allows for users of single-line telephones who are on a call to be notified of a sec-
ond call. This feature enables the second call to wait and sends a distinctive call
waiting tone to the user who is being called.
Class of Restriction
Defines many different classes of call origination and termination privileges. Sys-
tems may have no restrictions, only a single class of restriction, or may have as
many classes of restrictions as necessary to effect the desired restrictions. Many
different types of classes of restriction can be assigned to many types of facilities
on the switch. For example, you can use a calling-party COR to prevent callers
from accessing the public network.
Class of Service
Defines whether or not telephone users can access the following features and
functions: Automatic Callback, Call Forwarding, Data Privacy, Priority Calling,
Restrict Call Forwarding Off-Net, Call Forward Busy/Don’t Answer, Personal Sta-
tion Access, Extended Forwarding and Busy/Don’t Answer, Trunk-to-Trunk Trans-
fer Restriction Override, Off-Hook Alert, Console Permission, or Client Room.
Code Calling Access
Allows attendants, users, and tie trunk users to page with coded chime signals.
This feature is helpful for users who are often away from their telephones or at a
location where a ringing telephone might be disturbing.