Computer-Telephone Integration Solutions
4-14 Issue 5 January 1998
The Fast Calling Feature resides between PassageWay and any Windows-based
application on your Local Area Network, desktop personal computer, or
mainframe. This approach allows existing applications to be simply and quickly
“telephony enabled” without the need for low-level software development. The
Fast Calling Feature takes advantage of simple keyboard recorded scripts and
The primary users of the Fast Calling Feature would be Call Center Agents or
employees who use a personal computer in their work. If these users want to
automate their existing Windows application to perform one of the five tasks
listed above, Fast Calling can enable them to do just that.
PassageWay Telephony Services
PassageWay Telephony Services connects the DEFINITY ECS and Novell Net-
works. Developed in partnership with Novell, it allows you to integrate a variety of
communications systems and software in one network. Its open architecture is
based on the ECMA CSTA international standard. Besides standard Windows
environments, PassageWay Telephony Services supports Windows NT, OS/2,
Macintosh, and UnixWare operating systems on a Novell NetWare LAN. The Tele-
phony Services Applications Programming Interface enables you to coordinate
the applications on the network. The programming interface is supported by 30
telecommunications vendors.
The Bulk Administration feature allows you to use existing databases to provision
the telephony server. You can also create filters for integrating the information the
server requires, using a variety of software to manipulate the data. The LAN
Traffic Measurements Utility provides tools for measuring LAN traffic versus
telephony traffic.
The PassageWay Telephony Services installation programs and documentation
are provided in U. S. English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. See your
local distributor for information on whether other languages are available.