Make sure extension X is not assigned as a
Call Waiting (#316)
Pickup Group Extension (#501), Calling Group Extension (#502), Night
Service Group Extension (#504), or Hunt Group Extension (#505).
To monitor the fax machine at extension X, use Fax Machine Extensions
(#601) to identify extension X as a fax extension and program a Fax
Management button by programming the fax machine extension number
on an Auto Dial button.
To Program Fax 2 (Receive—Ext. Y)
1. If extension Y is a key extension, use Line Assignment (#301) to assign only
line A to extension Y.
If extension Y is a pooled extension, use Pool Line Assignment (#207) to
remove line A from all pools and then use Line Assignment (#301) to
assign line A and any other individual lines to extension Y.
If the fax machine has the Notify feature, set it to select intercom first. If the
fax machine does not have the Notify feature and you want it to be able to
dial out when fax 1 is unavailable, set Automatic Line Selection for
extension Y to select outside lines and pools used for outgoing calls (line A
selected last).
3. Set Line Ringing for line A at extension Y to Immediate Ring; set all other lines
and pools at extension Y to No Ring. (For all other extensions, set line A to
No Ring or Delayed Ring.)
Set Automatic Extension Privacy (#304) for extension Y to Assigned.
Make sure extension Y is not assigned as a
Call Waiting (#316)
Pickup Group Extension (#501), Calling Group Extension (#502), Night
Service Group Extension (#504),
Hunt Group Extension (#505).
6. To monitor the fax machine at extension Y, use Fax Machine Extensions
(#601) to identify extension Y as a fax extension and program a Fax
Management button by programming the fax machine extension number
on an Auto Dial button.
Using Auxiliary Equipment 4-19