Emergency Phone Number List (#406)
This System Programming procedure creates a list of up to 10 telephone
numbers that all users can dial regardless of dialing restrictions provided they
have access to an outside line. Typical list entries include fire, police, and other
emergency services numbers.
Related Features
If an extension is programmed for Forced Account Code Entry (#307), a
user at the extension is required to enter an account code before dialing a
number in the Emergency Phone Number List.
The entries you must make to permit or restrict toll calls differ depending on
the setting for Toll Call Prefix (#402). This setting tells the system whether
a “0” (for operator-assisted calls) or “1” (for direct-dial calls) is required
when you make toll calls.
Each telephone number can include up to 12 digits.
When programming emergency numbers and/or making test calls to
emergency numbers, you should: 1) remain on the line and briefly explain to
the dispatcher the reason for the call before hanging up, and 2) perform
such activities in the off-peak hours, such as early morning or late evening.
Valid Entries
Up to 12 digits (0–9)
The examples below show how to enter telephone numbers for the Emergency
Phone Number List in Step 3 of “Programming.”
911. To allow 911 calls from any extension that has an outside line, create
the following entry for the Emergency List:
Overriding Numbers on a Disallowed List. You can use Emergency List
entries to override numbers that would otherwise be disallowed. For
example, if you created Disallowed List entries to prevent calls to area code
201, but you wish to allow calls to a specific number in that area code (such
as the number of a manager who is on call after hours), put the number in
the Emergency List:
Toll Call Prefix required
12015556666 and 02015556666
Toll Call Prefix not required
Emergency Phone Number List (#406)