Transfer Return Extension (#306)
By default, transferred calls return to the originating extension if they are not
answered. This System Programming procedure can be used to identify a
different return extension for the extension that transfers a call.
Related Features
You can use Transfer Return Rings (#105) to define the number of times all
system extensions should ring with transferred calls before they return to
their transfer return extensions.
The transfer return extension for any extensions associated with PARTNER
Attendant or voice messaging system hardware should be extension 10 (or
another extension with a person who can assist the caller). AA Extensions
is used to identify the extensions associated with the PARTNER
Attendant hardware and Hunt Group Extensions (#505) is used to identify
the extensions associated with the voice messaging system hardware.
If an extension has VMS Cover active, unanswered calls to that extension
are routed to the voice messaging system rather than to the transfer return
For transferred calls that are sent to a covering extension with Call
Coverage: if the covering extension does not answer within the specified
number of Call Coverage Rings (#116), the call rings the specified number
of Transfer Return Rings (#105) before it transfer returns. If the covering
extension has Do Not Disturb active, the call rings one more time after the
specified number of Call Coverage Rings (#116) before it transfer returns.
An unanswered transferred call returns to the transfer return extension
identified for the extension transferring the call, not the extension receiving
the call.
Do not designate an extension associated with PARTNER Attendant or voice
messaging system hardware as the transfer return extension for any user
Transfer return calls do not receive call coverage or voice mail coverage.
Valid Entries
Extension transferring call ✔
Any extension
Transfer Return Extension (#306)