509Commands summary
Online manual pages
vxmend Mend simple problems in configuration records.
vxmirror Mirror volumes on a disk or control default mirroring.
vxnotify Display Veritas Volume Manager configuration events.
vxpfto Set Powerfail Timeout (pfto).
vxplex Perform Veritas Volume Manager operations on plexes.
vxpool Create and administer ISP storage pools.
vxprint Display records from the Veritas Volume Manager
vxr5check Verify RAID-5 volume parity.
vxreattach Reattach disk drives that have become accessible again.
vxrecover Perform volume recovery operations.
vxrelayout Convert online storage from one layout to another.
vxrelocd Monitor Veritas Volume Manager for failure events and relocate
failed subdisks.
vxres_lvmroot Restore LVM root disk from Veritas Volume Manager root disk.
vxresize Change the length of a volume containing a file system.
vxrootmir Create a mirror of a Veritas Volume Manager root disk.
vxsd Perform Veritas Volume Manager operations on subdisks.
vxse Storage Expert rules.
vxsnap Enable DRL on a volume, and create and administer instant
vxsplitlines Show disks with conflicting configuration copies in a cluster.
vxstat Veritas Volume Manager statistics management utility.
vxtask List and administer Veritas Volume Manager tasks.
vxtemplate Install and administer ISP volume templates and template sets.
vxtrace Trace operations on volumes.
vxtranslog Administer transaction logging.
Table A-9 Section 1M manual pages
Name Description