454 Using Storage Expert
Identifying configuration problems using Storage Expert
Checking the number of columns in striped volumes
The default values for the number of columns in a striped plex are 16 and 3. By
default, rule
vxse_stripes2 reports a violation if a striped plex in your volume
has fewer than 3 columns or more than 16 columns.
See “Performing online relayout” on page 294.
Disk sparing and relocation management
The hot-relocation feature of VxVM uses spare disks in a disk group to recreate
volume redundancy after disk failure.
Checking the number of spare disks in a disk group
This “best practice” rule assumes that between 10% and 20% of disks in a disk
group should be allocated as spare disks. By default,
vxse_spares checks that a
disk group falls within these limits.
See “Administering hot-relocation” on page 379.
Hardware failures
VxVM maintains information about failed disks and disabled controllers.
Checking for disk failures and disabled controllers
Rule vxse_dc_failures can be used to discover if the system has any failed
disks or disabled controllers.
The root disk can be put under VxVM control and mirrored.
Checking the validity of root mirrors (vxse_rootmir)
Rule vxse_rootmir can be used to confirm that the root mirrors are set up
See “Rootability” on page 102.
System name
The system name that is known to VxVM can be checked for consistency.