457Using Storage Expert
Rule definitions and attributes
You can use the list and check keywords to show what attributes are available
for a rule and to display the default values of these attributes.
See “Running a rule” on page 447.
Table 15-2 lists the available rule attributes and their default values.
vxse_raid5log1 Checks for RAID-5 volumes that do not have an associated log.
vxse_raid5log2 Checks for recommended minimum and maximum RAID-5 log sizes.
vxse_raid5log3 Checks for large RAID-5 volumes that do not have a mirrored
RAID-5 log.
vxse_redundancy Checks the redundancy of volumes.
vxse_rootmir Checks that all root mirrors are set up correctly.
vxse_spares Checks that the number of spare disks in a disk group is within the
VxVM “Best Practices” thresholds.
vxse_stripes1 Checks for stripe volumes whose stripe unit is not a multiple of the
default stripe unit size.
vxse_stripes2 Checks for stripe volumes that have too many or too few columns.
vxse_volplex Checks for volumes and plexes that are in various states, such as:
■ disabled plexes
■ detached plexes
■ stopped volumes
■ disabled volumes
■ disabled logs
■ failed plexes
■ volumes needing recovery
Table 15-1 Rule definitions in Storage Expert
Rule Description