449Using Storage Expert
Identifying configuration problems using Storage Expert
■ A value specified on the command line.
■ A value specified in a user-defined defaults file.
■ A value in the /etc/default/vxse file that has not been commented out.
■ A built-in value defined at compile time.
Identifying configuration problems using Storage
Storage Expert provides a large number of rules that help you to diagnose
configuration issues that might cause problems for your storage environment.
Each rule describes the issues involved, and suggests remedial actions.
The rules help you to diagnose problems in the following categories:
■ Recovery time
■ Disk groups
■ Disk striping
■ Disk sparing and relocation management
■ Hardware failures
■ Rootability
■ System name
See “Rule definitions and attributes” on page 456.
Recovery time
Several “best practice” rules enable you to check that your storage configuration
has the resilience to withstand a disk failure or a system failure.
Checking for multiple RAID-5 logs on a physical disk
To check whether more than one RAID-5 log exists on the same physical disk,
run rule
RAID-5 log mirrors for the same physical volume should be located on separate
physical disks to ensure redundancy. More than one RAID-5 log on a disk also
makes the recovery process longer and more complicated.