391Administering hot-relocation
Moving and unrelocating subdisks
Volume home Subdisk mydg02-03 relocated to mydg05-01,
but not yet recovered.
Before you move any relocated subdisks, fix or replace the disk that failed (as
described in “Removing and replacing disks” on page 112). Once this is done,
you can move a relocated subdisk back to the original disk as described in the
following sections.
Caution: During subdisk move operations, RAID-5 volumes are not redundant.
Moving and unrelocating subdisks using vxdiskadm
To move the hot-relocated subdisks back to the disk where they originally
resided after the disk has been replaced following a failure
1 Select menu item 14 (Unrelocate subdisks back to a disk) from
the vxdiskadm main menu.
2 This option prompts for the original disk media name first.
Enter the disk media name where the hot-relocated subdisks originally
resided at the following prompt:
Enter the original disk name [<disk>,list,q,?]
If there are no hot-relocated subdisks in the system, vxdiskadm displays
Currently there are no hot-relocated disks, and asks you to
press Return to continue.
3 You are next asked if you want to move the subdisks to a destination disk
other than the original disk.
Unrelocate to a new disk [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
4 If moving subdisks to their original offsets is not possible, you can choose to
unrelocate the subdisks forcibly to the specified disk, but not necessarily to
the same offsets.
Use -f option to unrelocate the subdisks if moving to the exact
offset fails? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)
5 If you entered y at step 4 to unrelocate the subdisks forcibly, enter y or press
Return at the following prompt to confirm the operation:
Requested operation is to move all the subdisks which were
hot-relocated from mydg10 back to mydg10 of disk group mydg.
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
A status message is displayed at the end of the operation.
VxVM INFO V-5-2-954 Unrelocate to disk mydg10 is complete.
As an alternative to this procedure, use either the vxassist command or the
vxunreloc command directly, as described in “Moving and unrelocating