Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
This manual describes the installation of the Apollo GX50 GPS and GX60/65 GPS/Comm
units. It is intended for use by persons certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
to install aircraft navigation devices. It includes installation and checkout procedures for the
GX50, GX60, GX65 and units to standards described in FAA advisory circulars AC 20-138
(for GPS) and AC 20-67B (for comm).
The GX50 and GX60/65 units are equivalent except that the GX50 does not include the VHF
Comm. Throughout this manual, references to the GX50/60/65 are for the GX50, GX60, and
GX65. The GX65 differs from the GX60 in that it is not certified for IFR approaches.
Provides an introduction to the Apollo GX50/60/65 units. TSO certification
information is also included in this section.
Includes installation and checkout procedures.
Includes complete specifications.
Includes limitations for the equipment and installation.
Includes troubleshooting information.
Includes periodic maintenance requirements.
Includes the environmental qualification form.
Includes information on accessories.
Includes serial data specifications.
The Apollo GX50 GPS is a TSO-C129a/JTSO-C129a Class A1 GPS supplemental navigation
receiver for IFR en route, terminal, and non-precision approach operation. The unit features a
moving map display and a database provided by means of a plug-in data card for convenience
in changing and updating the database.
The Apollo GX60 GPS/Comm includes the same GPS capabilities as the GX50 and includes
a 760 channel VHF Comm transceiver. The Apollo GX65 includes the same GPS and Comm
capabilities as the GX60, except that it is not certified for non-precision approach. The GX65
has TSO-C129a/JTSO-C129a Class A2 authorization.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E