8 Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
The GX50/60/65 is intended for use with standard aviation accessories. External devices
required for various installations are listed in the System Configurations section on page 4.
Depending upon the installation, this will include items such as:
• annunciators
• a CDI or HSI
• a comm antenna
• a microphone(s)
• a speaker or headphones
Crimp Tool
A crimp tool meeting MIL specification M22520/1-01 and a positioner/locater are required to
ensure consistent, reliable crimp contact connections for the rear d-sub connectors. These tools
are available from:
For pin p/n 245-0022
Astro Tool Corp. Phone (503) 642-9853
21615 SW TV Highway Fax (503) 591-7766
Beaverton, OR 97006
Crimp tool: Astro Tool part #615708
Positioner: Astro Tool part #616356
For pin p/n 245-0027
ITT Cannon Phone (714) 261-5300
1851 E. Deere Ave. Fax (714) 575-8324
Santa Ana, CA 92705-6500
Insertion tool: ITT part # 274-7006-000 (Desc. CIET-20HD)
Regular duty Crimp tool: ITT part #995-0001-585 (Desc. M22520/1-01)
Regular duty Locator tool: ITT part #995-0001-244 (Desc. TH25)
Heavy duty Crimp tool: ITT part #995-0001-584 (Desc. M22520/2-01)
Heavy duty Locator tool: ITT part #995-0001-604 (Desc. M22520/2-08)
An aircraft radio station license is required for operation of the GX60/65 comm transmitter
once installed in the aircraft. An application must be submitted on FCC Form 404, which may
be obtained from the FCC in Washington, DC, or any of its field offices. Procedures for
applications are in CFR 47, Part 87, Aviation Services, Subpart B, Applications and Licenses.