Serial Interface Specifications
Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
Airport Ident Output
This message is used to output the selected airport ident.
Message Format
04....... message id
t.......... list type, outputs a 1
iiii ...... ident, four character ASCII
Example Message
Output ident of “SLE” for the following frequency information.
Frequency Data Output
This message is used to output the airport frequency information for the previously output
Message Format
05....... message id
t.......... list type, input 1
f ......... frequency type:
0 = TWR, tower frequency 8 = CTF, common traffic advisory frequency
1 = GND, ground frequency 9 = DEP, departure
2 = ATS, for ATIS : (3Ah) = FSS, flight service station
3 = ATF, air traffic frequency ; (3Bh) = RFS, for remote flight service station
4 = APP, for approach < (3Ch) = UNI, for unicom
5 = ARR, for arrival = (3Dh) = MF, mandatory frequency
6 = AWS, automatic weather station > (3Eh) = CTR (Center)
7 = CLR, clearance/delivery ? (3Fh) = undefined, for other frequency types
mk...... frequency:
m = desired frequency in MHz in hexadecimal, where m = desired frequency -
30h , with the desired frequency in the range of 118 to 136 MHz, or 162 MHz.
k = desired frequency in kHz where k = (desired frequency / 25 kHz) + 30h, with
the desired frequency in the range of 000 to 975 kHz in 25 kHz steps, or 0 to 39.
Example Message
The above example message outputs a ground frequency type, 121.900 MHz.
Remote VOR List
The following two commands work together in allowing remotely connected devices to
provide a list of VOR frequencies to the SL30. The remote device will send a sequence of
Remote VOR Input commands (message identifier 20). When all of the VOR Input
commands have been sent, the remote device should send a Remote VOR List Trailer
command (message identifier 21) to terminate the list. The transmitted list will not be
considered complete by the SL30 until it receives the trailer message. The unit will maintain