Serial Interface Specifications
Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
This appendix includes the RS-232 serial port interface specifications.
The RS-232 serial interface configurations supported by the GX50/60/65 are listed in Table 5.
Instructions for configuring the serial port are included in the checkout procedure on page 26.
Serial output connections should be limited to no more than three external units.
An example of the typical settings for the RS-232 selections for most installations would be:
CH Rx Tx
1: NAV MapCom
2: AltEnc GPSS
Table 5 RS-232 Serial Interface Selections
RX TX Comment
NONE NONE No input or output
NONE MAPCOM Moving map data output with SL40 comm data
NAV MAPCOM Nav info input of frequency, identifier, and OBS resolver
value from Apollo SL30. Moving map data output with
SL40 comm data.
ALTENC GPSS Altitude encoder-converter data input, GPS Steering info
output to autopilot
ALTENC NONE Altitude encoder-converter data input, no output
ALTENC MOVMAP Altitude encoder-converter data input, moving map data
ALTENC MAPCOM Altitude encoder-converter data input, moving map data
output with SL40 comm data
KEYPAD NONE Keypad data input
KEYPAD MOVMAP Keypad data input, moving map data output
KEYPAD MAPCOM Keypad data input, moving map data output with SL40
comm data
FADC MOVMAP Fuel / Airdata input, moving map data output.
PC SETUP Used for factory test
NONE MOVMAP Moving map data output. Tested units include the
following: EI FP5, JPI, Sandel 3308, Argus 3000, 5000,
7000 and Shadin Digiflow, Miniflow, Microflow. The
installer must verify other devices.