Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
For minimum equipment and connections required for VFR or IFR installations, refer to the
System Configurations on page 4.
Installations of the GX50/60/65 GPS navigation functions are to be made in accordance with
AC 20-138, or other appropriate FAA approved guidelines.
Installations of the GX60/65 comm functions are to be made in accordance with AC 20-67B
or other appropriate FAA approved guidelines.
When the GX50/60/65 is installed for VFR, a placard stating “GPS Limited to VFR Use
Only” or an FAA approved equivalent statement must be placed next to the primary indicator.
When Nav tuning is provided to the GX, the GX will output Distance, Speed, and Time
(DST) information on the MapCom output. It is the installer’s responsibility to ensure that this
information is displayed in an acceptable fashion. For instance, in an installation where two
Apollo SL30’s are integrated in the system, it is not appropriate to display DST information
on the SL30 that is not providing the tuning information. Apollo SL30 SW version 1.2, or
later, provides the means for disabling the display of DST information.
The GX60 and GX65 are qualified for helicopter installation only when the correct mounting
hardware and GX configurations are used. Mount Tube p/n 310-5184-01 and Connector
Mounting Plate p/n 310-5188-01 (or later FAA-approved revisions) are required for helicopter
installations and recommended for all installations. GX60 p/n 430-6050-605 (or later FAA-
approved revision) or GX60 units upgraded with Mod AD should be used in helicopter
installations. GX65 p/n 430-6050-805 (or later FAA-approved revision) or GX65 units
upgraded with Mod AB should be used in helicopter installations.
An approved Aircraft Flight Manual Supplement is required for IFR installations.
Note: A sample AFM supplement is available from Garmin AT listing operational limitations.
An aircraft radio station license is required with the GX60/65 for transmitting.
For approach use with software version 3.3 or greater, a data card with a cycle date of 7/12/01,
or later, must be used.