The cursor is over the reference
bearing. Since the simulation will begin
at LENEX you do not need to define a
reference bearing from this point.
Press ENT.
The cursor is over the reference
distance with zero shown. Press ENT.
The initial position is now set at the
LENEX intersection.
You can view your position coordinates
by pressing NAV and the POSN
softkey, if needed. The Present
Position Page is displayed.
From your starting location at the “LENEX” intersection you may plot a course
and navigate to a nearby airport. For this sample trip you will fly to KCOU,
Columbia Regional Airport.
To select a destination waypoint...
Navigating to a waypoint is easy. Press
GOTO and the GPS 95 will display the
GOTO Page, as illustrated. Notice
that the cursor is to the right of “GOTO”.
On this field you will enter the identifier
of your destination waypoint, KCOU.
*Plus POSN softkey
if needed