
As your flight progresses, you can monitor the nearest airports at any time.
This feature can be particularly valuable in the event of an in-flight emergency.
To view the nearest airports...
Press the WPT key and the NRST
softkey, if needed, to select the Nearest
Waypoint Page.
The five nearest airports are instantly
displayed along with bearing and
distance to each airport.
In an actual emergency you could instantly plot a course to a nearest airport
by highlighting the desired airport (using the arrow keys), pressing GOTO
and ENT. The GPS 95 would override the route and provide navigation
information to direct you to the selected airport.
Experiment with your GPS 95!
· Now that you have started on a trip to Whitewater Bay, why don't you
take some time to experiment with the GPS 95? Press each function
key to get familiar with the available pages. Examine the Active Route
Page and the Navigation Summary Page as the simulation progresses.
If you want, change the simulator speed. You won't break the GPS 95
even if you enter a speed of 999 knots!
· As you progress through the simulation, the GPS 95 will alert you with
a message when you are within one minute of reaching Whitewater
Bay. When passing WWBAY, the GPS 95 will automatically sequence
to the next waypoint, KEYW.
· At some point during the simulation you may wish to try the GOTO
function. Suppose severe weather was reported in the Whitewater
Bay area. You wish to shorten your trip by heading directly to Key
West. Simply press the GOTO key and enter KEYW. The GPS 95 will
set an instantaneous course and you are on your way to Key West!
· If you have not customized your unit, this may be a good time to review
Chapter 8 for information concerning custom settings. Doing so will
help you understand what each setting will do.
*Plus NRST softkey, if