You may view additional information for each SUA / controlled airspace for
which a message is provided by utilizing the SUA Page. The SUA page lists
any SUA you are within, near or that lies ahead (less than ten minutes away).
For SUAs that lie ahead of you, the estimated time en route (ETE) before
entry may also be displayed. Additional information, such as airspace type,
floor/ceiling limits and controlling agency, may be displayed by selecting the
desired airspace.
To view additional SUA information...
· Press the WPT/SUA key to select
the SUA Page.
· Using the arrow keys, highlight
the desired SUA. The top line of
the SUA Page will change from
“Highlight SUA” to “Inside”,
“Ahead”, “Near” or "Near & Ahead".
If the SUA lies “Ahead”, estimated
time en route to that SUA's boundary
will appear in the upper right corner
of the page.
· Press ENT. Additional information
appears describing the type of
airspace, controlling agency and
floor/ceiling limits.
· Press ENT again to return to the
SUA page.
NOTE: For Class B / CTA and Class C/
TMA airspaces, the SUA Page provides
additional information for each sector
you are in, near, or that lies ahead.