In our final example, you are flying westbound toward Sundance MOA.
Adjacent to this MOA are two restricted areas: R-2501S and R-2501E.
Sundance MOA extends from 500 feet AGL to 10,000 feet MSL. Since the
MOA floor is an AGL altitude, the GPS 95 will provide SUA messages for this
airspace at all altitudes below 10,000 feet MSL. Both restricted areas have
unlimited ceilings extending from ground level. SUA messages for these
areas will occur at any altitude.
You have prior authorization to enter R-2501S, but not R-2501E, and have
planned your flight accordingly. As you reach Location #1 the “SUA Ahead
< 10 min” message appears and the SUA Page displays the estimated time
to reach Sundance MOA.
Two messages appear at Location #2: “SUA Near & Ahead” and “SUA Near
< 2 nm”. “SUA Near & Ahead” means you are less than two nautical miles
from Sundance MOA and projected to enter it. “SUA Near < 2 nm” tells you
that R-2501E is less than two nautical miles away to the north. You can
confirm this, and identify which message applies to which SUA, by using the
SUA Page. Highlight the desired SUA and its status (“Ahead”, “Near &
Ahead”, “Near” or “Inside”) is displayed at the top of the page. (With the
desired SUA highlighted, using the arrow keys, press ENT to view additional
information about it.)
At location #3 the GPS 95 alerts you with “Inside SUA”, indicating you are
within Sundance MOA's boundaries. The “SUA Near” message also
remains on the Message Page, reminding you that R-2501E is still within two
nautical miles.
A third message, “SUA Ahead < 10 min”, is added to the Message Page at
Location #4, meaning you'll enter R-2501S in less than ten minutes. This
message changes to “SUA Near & Ahead” at Location #5 since R-2501S is
now less than two nautical miles off your right wing. (Though you'll actually
travel more than two miles ahead before entering this restricted area.)
At Location #6 you leave Sundance MOA and enter R-2501S. The GPS 95
alerts you with “Inside SUA”. The SUA Page now indicates “Inside” for R-
2501S and “Near” for Sundance MOA, since it is less than two nautical miles
off your tail. Sundance MOA drops from the list (on the SUA Page) once you
are over two nautical miles away.
Finally, at Location #7 the SUA Page indication for R-2501S changes from
“Inside” to “Near”, then to “No Alerts” once you are over two nautical miles
away from the restricted area.