From time to time, the GPS 95 will use a message to tell you of conditions
needing attention. When the GPS 95 has a new message, the MSG
annunciator will flash. When this occurs, press PWR/STAT to view the new
message(s). Press PWR/STAT again to see the page you were viewing prior
to reading the message. (See Appendix A for a complete list of GPS 95
While the MSG annunciator is flashing, the GPS 95 will also generate a tone
to alert you of the message. (If your unit is connected to an external alarm,
it will also be activated.) Messages that demand immediate attention, such
as an arrival alarm, generate a quick tone that will not stop until you view the
message. All other messages generate a slow tone that will cease after 15
seconds. The message tone may be turned off if you wish. (See Section 8.8.)
Important messages will remain on the Message Page after being viewed.
If this occurs, the MSG annunciator will be in view but will not flash. (If no
messages exist, the MSG annunciator will not be visible.) To review these
messages, press PWR/STAT to reveal the status page options, then press
the key underneath the “MENU” page option. With the arrow keys, highlight
“Messages” and press ENT.
When the GPS 95 is turned on it will automatically perform internal checks
to ensure proper operation, begin acquiring satellites and, once a sufficient
number are received, display your present position. To see this power on
sequence, take the GPS 95 outside to a location that is well away from
buildings and other structures that might limit its view of the sky.
After you turn your GPS 95 on, it will conduct a series of self tests and display
the following notice: