7 CANopen Function and Operation
When M0=ON, DVP-ES2-C sends out the first request message and D6000 should be
101(hex) after the response message is transmitted back successfully. In program, if the
value of D6000 is judged as 101(hex), the ReqID is changed into 2 and D6250 is given a new
value 201(hex) and DVP-ES2-C sends out the request message again. By dong so, the
real-time reading can be realized. After reading succeeds, the data returning from the target
device are stored in D6000~D6005. The value of D6005: 100(hex)is the read value of P0-09.
¾ Explanation of Response Message Devices:
7.5 Indicators and Troubleshooting
There are 6 LED indicators on DVP-ES2-C. Power indicator shows whether the power is normal,
RUN and ERROR indicator display the state of running of internal program and COM3 displays the
communication state of CANopen.
7.5.1 Description of Indicators
¾ POWER indicator
LED indicator Description How to deal with
Light is off or
the green light
The supply power is
Check if the supply power is in the valid range
The green
light keeps on
The supply power is
No resolution is required
¾ RUN indicator
LED indicator Description How to deal with
The green
light is on.
PLC is running No resolution is required
Light is off PLC is in stop status
Make PLC run through RUN/STOP switch or
¾ ERROR indicator
LED indicator Description How to deal with
Light is off PLC is normal No resolution is required
PLC device
High byte(Hex) Low byte(Hex)
D6000 0101 ResID = 01 Status code = 01
D6001 0008 Reserved Size = 08
D6002 4302 Type = 43 Node ID = 02
D6003 2009 Main index high byte = 20 Index low byte = 09
D6004 0004 Reserved Subindex = 00
D6005 0100 Datum 1= 01 Datum 0= 00
D6006 0100 Datum 3= 00 Datum 2= 00