3. Instruction Set
Points to note:
1. There are two methods to correct built-in RTC:
z Correcting by API167 TWR instruction
Please refer to explanation of instruction TWR (API 167)
z Setting by peripheral device
Using WPLSoft / ISPSoft (Ladder editor)
2. Display 4-digit year data:
z D1319 only stores the 2-digit year in A.D. If 4-digit year data is required, please insert the
following instruction at the start of program.
SET M1016
Display 4-digit year data
z The original 2-digit year will be switched to a 4-digit year, i.e. the 2-digit year will pluses
2,000. If users need to write in new time in 4-digit year display mode, only a 2-digit year
data is applicable (0 ~ 99, indicating year 2000 ~ 2099). For example, 00 = year 2000, 50
= year 2050 and 99 = year 2099.
z Flags and special registers for RTC
Device Content Function
M1016 Year display
mode of RTC
OFF: D1319 stores 2-digit year data in A.D.
ON: D1319 stores 2-digit year data in A.D + 2000
±30 seconds
correction on
Correction takes place when M1017 goes from OFF to
ON (Second data in 0 ~ 29: reset to 0. Second data in
30 ~ 59: minute data pluses 1, second data resets)
Device Content Range
D1313 Second 0-59
D1314 Minute 0-59
D1315 Hour 0-23
D1316 Day 1-31
D1317 Month 1-12
D1318 Day (Mon. ~ Sun.) 1-7
D1319 Year 0-99 (two digit year data)