DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2/SE Operation Manual - Programming
Register Data Descriptions
D12 low byte ‘3’ 33 H
D12 high byte ‘6’ 36 H
address H2104 PLC COM2 automatically
converts ASCII codes to hex
and stores the converted
value in D1300
D13 low byte ‘0’ 30 H
D13 high byte ‘0’ 30 H
D14 low byte ‘0’ 30 H
D14 high byte ‘0’ 30 H
Content of
address H2105
0000 H
PLC COM2 automatically
converts ASCII codes to hex
and stores the converted
value in D1301
D15 low byte ‘3’ 33 H
D15 high byte ‘B’ 42 H
RTU mode (M1143 = ON):
When X0 = ON, MODRW instruction executes the function specified by Function Code 03
PLC Ö VFD-B, PLC sends: ” 01 03 2100 0006 CF F4”
VFD-B Ö PLC, PLC receives: “01 03 0C 0000 0503 0BB8 0BB8 0000 012D 8E C5”
Registers for data to be sent (sending messages)
Register Data Descriptions
D1256 Low byte 01 H Address
D1257 Low byte 03 H Function
D1258 Low byte 21 H
D1259 Low byte 00 H
Data Address
D1260 Low byte 00 H
D1261 Low byte 06 H
Number of data (count by word)
D1262 Low byte CF H CRC CHK Low
D1263 Low byte F4 H CRC CHK High
Registers for received data (responding messages)
Register Data Descriptions
D0 low byte 01 H
D1 low byte 03 H
D2 low byte 0C H
Number of data (count by byte)
D3 low byte 00 H
D4 low byte 00 H
Content of
address H2100
0000 H
PLC COM2 automatically
stores the value in D1296
D5 low byte 05 H
Content of 0503 H