3. Instruction Set
DHSZ instruction. Also, when DHSCS uses I070 or I080, comparators B3 and B4 are no
longer available for DHSZ instruction. If comparators are used repeatedly, the syntax
error will be detected on the instruction behind.
¾ For DVP-SE, if DHSZ instruction uses hardware comparators, two hardware
comparators are used. DHSCS instruction and DHSCR instruction can not use the same
hardware comparators.
Program Example 1: (Applying Hardware High Speed Counter)
6. When D is specified as Y0, then Y0~Y2 will be occupied automatically.
7. When DHSZ is executed, the instruction compares the current value in C246 with the
upper/lower bound (1500/2000) of the comparison zone, and Y0~Y2 will be ON according to
the comparison result.
DCNT C246 K20000
DHSZ K1500 K2000 C246
When current value of C246 < K1500, Y0=On
When K1500 < current value of C246 < K2000, Y1=On
When current value of C246 > K2000, Y2=On
Program Example 2: (Applying DHSZ instruction for performing ramp down operation)
8. C251 is AB-phase high speed counter. When X10 = ON, DHSZ compare the present value
with K2000. Present value K2000≦ , Y10 = ON.
9. When X10 = OFF, Y10~Y12 are reset.
RST C251
ZRST Y10 Y12
DCNT C251 K10000
DHSZ K2000 K2400 C251 Y10