DVP-ES2/EX2/SS2/SA2/SX2 Operation Manual - Programming
C243 =K50000
Y0 output stops
Pulse number
Specified number of output pulses: 50,500
Actual number of output pulses (D1030, D1031) = K50,560
5. Observe the results of the second execution:
a) The actual output number 50,560 – specified output number 50,500 = 60
b) 60 x (1/100Hz) = 600ms (idle time)
c) 600ms is an appropriate value. Therefore, set the percentage value (D1131) as
K101 to complete the design.
Points to note:
1. Associated flags:
M1029 CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output execution completed.
M1102 CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output execution completed.
M1078 M1078 = ON, CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output pause (immediate)
M1104 M1104 = ON CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output pause (immediate)
M1108 CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output pause (ramp down). M1108 = ON during ramp down.
M1110 CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output pause (ramp down). M1110 = ON during ramp down.
M1156 Enabling the mask and alignment mark function on I400/I401(X4) corresponding
to Y0.
M1158 Enabling the mask and alignment mark function on I600/I601(X6) corresponding
to Y2.
M1538 Indicating pause status of CH0 (Y0, Y1).M1538 = ON when output paused.
M1540 Indicating pause status of CH1 (Y2, Y3). M1540 = ON when output paused
M1305 Reverse CH0 (Y0, Y1) pulse output direction. M1305 = ON, pulse output direction
is reversed.
M1306 Reverse CH1 (Y2, Y3) pulse output direction. M1306 = ON, pulse output direction
is reversed
M1347 Auto-reset CH0 (Y0, Y1) when high speed pulse output completed. M1347 will be