90 RACADM Subcommand Details
The default output display shows the record number, timestamp, severity, and
For example:
Record: 1
Date/Time: 11/16/2005 22:40:43
Severity: Ok
Description: System Board SEL: event log sensor for
System Board, log cleared was asserted
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have CMC Login User privilege.
racadm getsensorinfo
racadm getsensorinfo
<senType> <Num> <sensorName> <status> <reading> <units> <lc> <uc>
FanSpeed 1 Fan-1 OK 4768 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 2 Fan-2 OK 4873 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 3 Fan-3 OK 4832 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 4 Fan-4 OK 4704 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 5 Fan-5 OK 4833 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 6 Fan-6 OK 4829 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 7 Fan-7 OK 4719 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 8 Fan-8 Not OK 1 rpm 2344 14500
FanSpeed 9 Fan-9 OK 4815 rpm 2344 14500
<senType> <Num> <sensorName> <status> <reading> <units> <lc> <uc>
Temp 1 Ambient_Temp OK 22 celcius N/A 40
Subcommand Description
getsensorinfo Displays status for system sensors.