RACADM Subcommand Details 137
Table 2-45 describes the testemail subcommand options.
Success: Test e-mail sent successfully
Failure: Unable to send test e
Table 2-46 describes the testfeature subcommand options.
Table 2-45. testemail Subcommands
Option Description
-i Specifies the index of the e-mail alert to test.
Subcommand Description
testfeature Generic test command consisting of several sub-commands that allow
you to verify the configuration and operation of specific features.
Table 2-46. testfeature Subcommand Options
Option Description
Specifies the feature name. testfeature supports the following
• ad — Tests Active Directory configuration using simple
authentication (user name and password)
• adkrb — Tests Active Directory configuration using Kerberos
• ldap — Tests LDAP configuration and operation (requires user
name and password)
The user name specified in an appropriate format for the selected
authentication method. That is, Active Directory users are
specified as user_name@domain_name.
-p <password> The password for the indicated user account.