Deprecated Commands, Groups, and Objects 289
Deprecated Commands, Groups,
and Objects
This section provides information about the deprecated RACADM
subcommands, groups, and objects in the current release. Few commands,
groups, or objects are deprecated in RACADM either due to a new command
or object replacing the functionality of an existing command or object, or the
feature is no longer supported.
For the deprecated command or object:
• If you run the
racadm help
command, the deprecated command is not
displayed in the command list.
• If you run the r
acadm help <deprecated command name>
, then
the following information is displayed:
ATTENTION: <command name> is a deprecated command!
While execution of this command will still be
successful we strongly encourage you to use the
new functionality.
The functionality of this command is now covered
by <list of new functionality>.
Type “racadm help <new command name>” to learn
NOTE: This information is displayed only for iDRAC6 on Rack and Tower servers
and is not displayed for iDRAC6 Enterprise on Blade servers.
• If you run a deprecated command, it works if the feature is supported. If
the feature is not supported, an error is not returned.
• If you run the
racadm getconfig –h
command, the deprecated
group is not displayed in the results.