62 RACADM Subcommand Details
• racadm getchassisname
PowerEdge 2955
racadm getconfig -f <filename>
racadm getconfig -g <groupName> [-i <index>]
racadm getconfig -u <username>
racadm getconfig -h
racadm getconfig -g <groupName> -o <objectName> [-i
Table 2-13 describes the getconfig subcommand options.
Subcommand Description
getconfig Retrieves iDRAC6 configuration parameters individually, or all
iDRAC6 configuration groups may be retrieved and saved to a file.
Table 2-13. getconfig Subcommand Options
Option Description
-f The -f <filename> option directs getconfig to write the entire iDRAC6
configuration to a configuration file. This file can be used for batch
configuration operations using the config subcommand.
-g The -g <groupName>, or group option, can be used to display the
configuration for a single group. The groupName is the name for the group
used in the racadm.cfg files. If the group is an indexed group, use the -i option.
-h The -h, or help option, displays a list of all available configuration groups in
alphabetical order. This option is useful when you do not remember exact
group names.