RACADM Subcommand Details 127
The delete mode allows the user to delete a key specified by the user or all
racadm sshpkauth -i <2 to 16> -d -k <1 to 4>
racadm sshpkauth -i <2 to 16> -d -k all
Table 2-38 describes the sshpkauth subcommand options.
Upload an invalid key to iDRAC6 User 2 in the first key space using a string:
$ racadm sshpkauth -i 2 -k 1 -t "This is invalid key
ERROR: Key text appears to be corrupt
Upload a valid key to iDRAC6 User 2 in the first key space using a file:
$ racadm sshpkauth -i 2 -k 1 -f pkkey.key
Key file successfully uploaded.
Get all keys for User 2 on iDRAC6:
$ racadm sshpkauth -v -i 2 -k all
********************* User ID 2 ******************
Key ID 1:
Table 2-38. sshpkauth Subcommand Options
Option Description
-i <user index> Index for the user. <user index> must be between 2 to 16 on
-k [<key index> | all] Index to assign the PK key being uploaded. all only works with
the -v or -d options. <key index> must be between 1 to 4 or
all on iDRAC6.
-t <PK Key Text> Key text for the SSH Public key.
-f <filename> File containing the key text to upload. The -f option is not
supported on Telnet/ssh/serial RACADM.
-v View the key text for the index provided.
-d Delete the key for the index provided.