Chapter 2: Task Guide
Displaying Captured Data
Displaying Captured Data
Once you have run a measurement and filled the logic analyzer's
acquisition memory with captured data, you can display the captured
data with one of the display tools.
You can use analysis tools to filter data and compare data sets.
You can also analyze captured data with toolsets like the Serial Analysis
Toolset and the System Performance Analysis Toolset.
• “To open Waveform or Listing displays” on page 88
• “To display Timing Zoom data” on page 89
• “To use other display tools” on page 90
• “If the captured data doesn't look correct” on page 92
• “If there are filtered data holes in display memory” on page 92
• “To display symbols for data values” on page 93
• “To cancel the display processing of captured data” on page 94
To open Waveform or Listing displays
Waveform displays are typically used when data is captured with the
timing sampling mode, and Listing displays are used when data is
captured with the state sampling mode.
1. From the Window menu, select your logic analyzer and choose the
Waveform or Listing command.