Chapter 2: Task Guide
Setting Up Triggers and Running Measurements
Using State Mode Trigger Features
When the logic analyzer sampling mode is state, you can specify
whether a state or time count is stored with samples and you can set up
the default storing options.
• “To count states or time” on page 70
• “To Specify Default Storing” on page 71
• “To specify whether default storing is initially on or off” on page 72
To count states or time
When the logic analyzer sampling mode is state, you can specify
whether a state or time count is stored with samples.
1. In the Trigger tab's Settings subtab, select the Count option button and
choose either Off, Time, or States.
2. If you chose States:
a. Select the Define button.
b. In the State count qualify dialog, select the Count if or Count if NOT
c. Specify events that identify the states to be counted or not counted.
d. If you would like to specify the evaluation order of the event list, select
Group events. Then, in the Group Events dialog, either select the Add
parens button to group events or select the Remove parens button to
ungroup events. When you're done grouping events, select the OK
When time or state counts are turned on and all pods are assigned,
logic analyzer acquisition memory is halved to 2M samples for the
16750A/B logic analyzer. Leaving one pod pair unassigned gives you
full memory depth.
See Also “To assign pods to one or two analyzers” on page 57