Chapter 3: Reference
The Trigger Tab
“To break down a trigger function” on page 67
“To cross-trigger with another instrument” on page 107
“To cross-trigger between two analyzers” on page 106
Advanced Trigger Functions
The advanced trigger functions let you create a custom trigger
sequence level using events, comparison functions, and up to 4
The advanced trigger functions are available in both the timing and
state sampling modes and are the same, except that in the timing
mode, you can specify edges on labels and event durations.
The types of events include labels, timers, flags, and counters.
• Advanced - If/then
This trigger function has only one branch. If the events in the "If" event list
are true, it executes the actions after "then".
• Advanced - 2-way branch
This trigger function has two branches, of the form "If - then; else if - then".
For each sample, the events in the first "If" branch are checked. If all
events are true, the "then" portion is executed. If they are not true, the
events in the "else if" branch are checked. If the "else if" events are true, its
"then" portion is executed.
If neither branch is true, the logic analyzer remains in this sequence level
and repeats the comparison with the next sample.
• Advanced - 3-way branch
This function has three branches, of the form
If (events1)
then (actions1)
Else if (events2)
then (actions2)
Else if (events3)
then (action3)
The logic analyzer evaluates each sample against the clauses in the order