Chapter 3: Reference
Error Messages
Must assign Pod 1 on the master card to specify
actions for flags
When using a 16760A analyzer in 200Mb/s state mode, Pod 1 on the
master card must be assigned in order to add actions for the flags in a
branch action list. To assign the pod, go to the format tab and select the
"Pod Assignment" button. Drag Pod 1 of the master card from the
unassigned pods list to the analyzer assigned list.
Branch expression is too complex
The "Branch expression is too complex" message means that the event
list expression for the indicated branch contains more event terms to
logically combine than the hardware is capable of combining on a single
Other branches in the sequence may also be too complex. The trigger
sequence compiler stops compiling at the first convenient place after it
encounters a fatal error.
Because the trigger sequence compiler tries to optimize the event list
expression to best fit the capabilities of the hardware, a precise
description of the event list limits cannot be easily enumerated, but
listed below are some general guidelines for all acquisition modes and
some specific suggestions for particular modes.
General Guidelines
• Labels that span multiple pod pairs (split labels) greatly increases the
compiled hardware expression complexity as compared with labels that
are entirely contained within a single pod pair.
Whenever possible try to arrange the probing such that labels to not span
pod pairs. This is the single most effective way to reduce the complexity
required to implement the event list expression.