Chapter 2: Task Guide
To select transitional timing or store qualified
To view eye finder data as a bus composite
When you want a compressed, high-level view of the eye finder data:
1. In the Eye Finder Results tab, select the label button and choose the View
as Bus Composite command.
Average sampling positions as well as stable and transitioning areas are
displayed for the whole label. This is the default. Stable areas show
positions where every channel in the label is stable.
To view eye finder data as a stack of channels
When you want more resolution in your view of the eye finder data:
1. In the Eye Finder Results tab, select the label button and choose the View
as Stack of Channels command.
Individual sampling positions and stable and transitioning areas for all the
channels in a label are shown.
To save/load eye finder data
While the eye finder sampling positions are saved with the logic
analyzer configuration, eye finder measurement data is not; therefore,
eye finder data must be saved and loaded separately.
1. In the File Info tab, select the Save As... or Load... buttons.
You can also choose the Save Eye Finder or Load Eye Finder command
from the File menu.