FMFM from the Web Interface 65
Entering Destination
Phone Numbers
After you have specified the callers who are allowed or prevented from
reaching you, specify the phone numbers where you can be reached
(destination phone numbers). When forwarding a call, IP Messaging uses
the numbers in the order in which you enter them.
On the Find Me Follow Me Destination screen:
1 Enter the first number you want IP Messaging to try when attempting to
find you.
2 Click Submit.
Figure 28 FMFM Destination Screen
The screen refreshes and now contains the number you added.
To delete a destination phone number, click the checkbox next to the
number, then click Delete.
3 Enter all the phone numbers, one at a time, you want IP Messaging to try
when attempting to find you and click Submit after each entry.
4 Enter a value, in seconds, in the No Answer Timeout field. This value
determines how long the system tries a number before trying the next
number in the list. This value applies to all entered numbers. In other
words, you cannot specify 30 seconds for one number and 45 seconds
for another number.
Note that the No Answer Timeout value should be less than the no
answer timeout value configured on the phone (through the VCX V7000
User Interface). The no answer timeout value determines how long a
telephone rings before the system forwards unanswered calls (for
example, to voice mailbox). If the No Answer Timeout value is more