Figure 10 Add Notification Procedures Screen
3 Enter a name for the procedure in the Procedure Name field.
4 Select Enabled from the Status drop-down list.
5 Select the Notification Filter to use in the Filter drop-down list.
6 Enter the number of times IP Messaging will attempt to send the message
notification in the Tries text box.
7 Enter the time, in seconds, IP Messaging will wait between notification
attempts in the Interval text box.
8 Enable (On) or disable (Off) in the Queue selection box.
■ If enabled and the system receives a notification outside its configured
schedule, the notification is queued until the schedule becomes active
■ If disabled and the system receives a notification outside its configured
schedule, the notification is not queued and not delivered
9 The Chain selection box allows you to select and link another notification
procedure to the one you are configuring. The linked procedure is
executed if the current procedure fails. If you do not want to link
procedures, accept the defalut value, None.