Alias Configuration Use the Alias Configuration feature to set up different numbers that are
associated with and point to your mailbox. This allows the system to
know your identity when you access the system from other media such as
a mobile phone, a fax, or a different e-mail address.
For example, you could have the following office phone, cell phone,
home phone, and a preferred e-mail address information:
■ 12345 (office)
■ 15554445562 (cell)
■ 19996587234 (home)
■ myname@xyz.com (e-mail)
You configure the telephone numbers and the e-mail address as aliases of
your IP Messaging (for example, mailbox number 5678). Consequently, all
voice mails for the office, cell, and home phone numbers, and e-mail for
the specified address, are associated with mailbox 5678. You can retrieve
messages from any configured alias using regular mailbox features like
password, personal greeting, and auto login. If you do not change these
settings, the default settings apply (those used for the parent mailbox).
To assign an alias number to your mailbox or to edit, add, or delete an
alias for your mailbox:
1 From the Main menu, select Alias Configuration.
The Alias Configuration screen appears.
Figure 21 Alias Configuration Screen
2 To create a new alias, click Add New.
The Add New Alias screen appears.