Form Mailbox
The Form Mailbox is a special mailbox that contains a custom message for
a caller. Use it to create and modify forms and to collect data from users.
Access the Form Mailbox through the Personal Greeting menu which
allows the caller to select a form to fill out. The Form Mailbox has a
special administration function for creating, reviewing, and modifying
forms, similar to the Message On Demand function.
Transcription Mailbox
The Transcription Mailbox is a special mailbox that contains the caller
response to the message received by the caller from the Form Mailbox.
Use it to retrieve messages from a Forms mailbox to be transcribed to
The Transcription Mailbox has a review messages function that prompts
you to enter a Form Mailbox from which to retrieve messages. Then, you
can move back and forth through a Form message one response at a
The specifications for the Forms Mailbox are:
■ The maximum number of questions for each form is 50.
■ The total recording time is 10 minutes for all answers on a form.
■ When you retrieve a Form message, the system copies it into the
Transcription Mailbox and puts it in the deleted queue in the Forms
■ IP Messaging accepts numerical data through DTMF.
■ You can enter a form only through its root mode.
■ The system automatically saves a message even if it is not finished.
Managing Forms
To use the Voice Form Mailbox feature:
1 From the Main menu, press [9].
2 From the Setup Options menu, press [6].
3 Follow the prompts to:
■ Record and accept a Form greeting or title