Year (yyy) can be specified as 2 digits or as 4 digits (97 or 1997).
For example: set date 01-JAN-1998
To manually set the time, use the command set time (which sets the system time,
and leaves the date unchanged).
Set time command format is hh:mm:ss.
The seconds (ss) field is optional.
Military time (GMT in 24-hour format) is used.
For example:
To set the time to 4:10 am, enter the command set time 04:10.
To set the time to 4:10 pm, enter the command set time 16:10.
Date and Time values are for the current session only.
Setting Date and Time
Using Network Time
Protocol (NTP)
The OCR 812 supports use of the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to automatically
set system date and system time to the values provided by NTP servers installed on
the network.
The default setting for NTP is enabled.
The OCR 812 maintains a list of known NTP servers installed on the network. If
a particular NTP server is not specified, the OCR 812 randomly selects two NTP
servers from the list and designates them primary NTP server and secondary
NTP server (respectively).
If an installed NTP server is not available on your network, the OCR 812 sets
system date and time using the values automatically provided at system
power-up, or the values set manually by the user with CLI commands.
Network Time Protocol CLI Commands
To enable NTP, use the following command:
set enable ntp
If the system detects the presence of an on-board Real-Time Clock (a battery
powered chip not installed in Release 2.0 OCR 812 units), the default is
disable ntp; otherwise, the default is enable ntp.
To disable NTP, use the following command:
set disable ntp
To specify a primary NTP server, use the following command:
set primary_server <ip_name_or_addr>
<ip_name_or_addr> is the IP address or host name of the primary server the
OCR 812 queries for date and time information/synchronization.
The primary server is randomly selected from a list of known NTP servers you
can access on the Internet at www.ntp.org. Many of these NTP servers can be
used free of charge. To view a sample list of NTP servers, please see NTP Servers