History Depth: 10
Current Prompt: OCR-DSL>
Local Prompt: OCR-DSL>
show configuration Displays a variety of system information including: System Identification,
Authentication Remote, Remote Accounting, Interfaces, IP forwarding, IPX Default
Gateway, Bridge Spanning Tree, and DNS Domain.
show critical_event
Displays where the log files for critical event messages are stored in the FLASH file
Critical Event Sink - where critical events are logged, default is
Critical Event Backup - where critical events are logged, if the first
destination fails, default is @file:/./old-log-file.local
show date Displays the system date, time, and uptime. For example:
System Date: 09-FEB-2107 15:06:10
System UpTime: 2d 08:37:54
show dhcp client
<vc name> status
Displays the current DHCP Client status for the specified VC. If multiple VCs are
configured with DHCP enabled, each VC will have a unique DHCP Client status.
Discovering - The DHCP Client is broadcasting Discover messages, waiting
for an Offer response from the Server.
Requesting - The DHCP Client is requesting an IP address and waiting for
an ACK response from the Server.
Established - The DHCP Client has successfully been assigned an IP
configuration from the Server.
IP configuration learned/assigned by the DHCP Server:
IP Address
IP Mask
Gateway Address
Primary DNS Address
Secondary DNS Address
Lease Time
Number of Discovers transmitted
Number of Requests transmitted
Number of Declines transmitted
Number of Offers received
Number of ACKs received
Number of NACKs received
Number of errors detected