
enable link_traps
This command tells SNMP to send linkup and linkdown traps for the specified
interface. You can see if the interface is currently enabled for traps using the show
interface settings command.
enable network service
<service _name>
Enables the network service that you previously defined with the add network
service command. You can see which services are currently defined and their state
using list network services.
enable security_option
Enables CLI access to remote TELNET and dial-in users. This prevents remote users
from modifying the configuration. CLI configuration can be done from the console
port and remote users. You can use disable security_option remote_user
administration to restrict CLI access to the console port only and enable
security_option remote_user administration to re-open full TELNET access.
enable security_option
snmp user_access
Enables SNMP access to the user table. This allows remote users to use SNMP to
update the user table, and gain unauthorized access to the CLI. Use show
security_options to see the current security values.
enable snmp
authentication traps
This command tells SNMP to send traps for both local and remote authentication.
You can use show snmp to see the current setting.
enable tunnel
Enables the specified tunnel.
enable telnet escape If the TELNET escape character was disabled by the disable TELNET escape
command, this command re-enables it. When enabled, TELNET client users who
press the TELNET escape key during their session will get a TELNET command line.
By default the escape character is control-]. A TELNET user can change it using set
escape in the TELNET program.
enable user <user
Enables a user to establish TELNET sessions for remote management. You must
have previously added the user using the add user command, where enabled is the
default. The list users command displays a summary of all configured user profiles.
enable vc <vc name> Enables a virtual channel to establish data sessions over the WAN. You must have
previously added the VC using the add vc command, where disabled is the default.
The list vc command displays a summary of all configured VC profiles.
exit CLI If CLI password protection is enabled, this command forces an immediate logout
from the CLI. The CLI password must be entered in order to access the CLI again.
hangup interface
Causes the connection on the specified interface to hangup (drop).