
S42 Bit-mapped. Nonstorable.
Bit 0. Length field in L-SIGNAL (UI) frames (V.25ter only)
0 do not indicate break signal length in UI frame.
1 indicate break length in L_SIGNAL (UI) frames
Bit 1. Break handling option 2 (V.25ter only)
0 ignore breaks from DTE
1 process break (bits 4-5 of S39)
Bits 3-2. TD buffer option when DTE ask for disconnection in V42 mode (V25ter only)
00 Discard all buffered data immediately
01 Attempt until all data is delivered
10 Attempt until all data is delivered or timer expires (timer is set by S38)
Bits 5-4. RD buffer option when remote DCE disconnect in V42 mode (V.25ter only)
00 Discard all buffered data immediately
10 Attempt until all data is delivered or timer expires (timer is set by S38)
01 Attempt until all data is delivered
Bits 7-6. V42bis compression option (V.25ter only)
00 No compression
10 Decompression only
01 Compression only
11 Both direction
S43 Break length transmitted to DTE when not specified in UI frame (in 10 ms) (V.25ter
only). Default = 30. Nonstorable.
S44 Error Correction in Use. Nonstorable.
0 = No error correction
5 = MNP class 5
2 = MNP class 2
6 = V.42
3 = MNP class 3
7 = V.42 bis
4 = MNP class 4
8 = V.42bis over an MNP link
S45 Reserved for internal use. Nonstorable.
S46 Fallback Character For Error Correction Negotiation. Value: 0 - 127. Default 13 (ASCII
CR). Storable.
S47 XON Character. Value: 0 - 127. Default = 17. Storable.
S48 XOFF Character. Value: 0 - 127. Default = 19. Storable.