S42 Bit-mapped. Nonstorable.
Bit 0. Length field in L-SIGNAL (UI) frames (V.25ter only)
■ 0 do not indicate break signal length in UI frame.
■ 1 indicate break length in L_SIGNAL (UI) frames
Bit 1. Break handling option 2 (V.25ter only)
■ 0 ignore breaks from DTE
■ 1 process break (bits 4-5 of S39)
Bits 3-2. TD buffer option when DTE ask for disconnection in V42 mode (V25ter only)
■ 00 Discard all buffered data immediately
■ 01 Attempt until all data is delivered
■ 10 Attempt until all data is delivered or timer expires (timer is set by S38)
Bits 5-4. RD buffer option when remote DCE disconnect in V42 mode (V.25ter only)
■ 00 Discard all buffered data immediately
■ 10 Attempt until all data is delivered or timer expires (timer is set by S38)
■ 01 Attempt until all data is delivered
Bits 7-6. V42bis compression option (V.25ter only)
■ 00 No compression
■ 10 Decompression only
■ 01 Compression only
■ 11 Both direction
S43 Break length transmitted to DTE when not specified in UI frame (in 10 ms) (V.25ter
only). Default = 30. Nonstorable.
S44 Error Correction in Use. Nonstorable.
■ 0 = No error correction
■ 5 = MNP class 5
■ 2 = MNP class 2
■ 6 = V.42
■ 3 = MNP class 3
■ 7 = V.42 bis
■ 4 = MNP class 4
■ 8 = V.42bis over an MNP link
S45 Reserved for internal use. Nonstorable.
S46 Fallback Character For Error Correction Negotiation. Value: 0 - 127. Default 13 (ASCII
CR). Storable.
S47 XON Character. Value: 0 - 127. Default = 17. Storable.
S48 XOFF Character. Value: 0 - 127. Default = 19. Storable.