S Registers 33
Common Registers
S0 Ring To Answer On. 0 = No auto answer. Any other = Modem answers after this
number of rings. Default = 0. Storable.
S1 Ring Count. This register is reset to 0 if 8 seconds elapse since receipt of the previous
ring. Default = 0. Nonstorable.
S2 Escape Sequence Character. If the value is greater than 127, escape sequence is
disabled. Default = 43 (+). Value: 0 - 127. Nonstorable.
S3 Carriage Return Character. Default = 13 (ASCII CR). Value: 0 - 127. Nonstorable.
S4 Line Feed Character. Default = 10 (ASCII LF). Nonstorable.
S5 Backspace Character. Value: 0 - 255. Default = 8 (ASCII BS). Nonstorable.
S6 Wait Time For Dial Tone Or Before Dialing. Value: 2 - 255. Default = 2. Storable.
S7 Wait Time For Carrier / Second Dial Tone. Value: 1 - 255. Default = 30. Storable.
S8 Duration for Pause (,) Dial Modifier. Value: 0 - 255. Default = 2. Storable.
S9 Carrier Detect Response Time. Value: 1 - 255 (seconds). Default =1. Storable.
S10 Delay Between Lost Carrier And Hang Up. S10 = 255 implies infinite delay. Value: 1 -
255 (seconds). Default = 14. Storable.
S11 DTMF Tone Duration and Silence Time Between Tones. Value: 50 - 255 (ms). Default
= 95. Storable.
S12 Escape Sequence Prompt Time. 55 in 20 ms increments (0 - 5.1 s). 0 = Do not check
guard time. Value: 0 - 2w. Default = 50. Storable.
S13 Caller ID. Storable. Bit 0 is used to enable/disable modem caller ID display and log.
■ 0 = Disable modem caller ID display and log
■ 1 = Enable modem caller ID display and log
Bits 1-2 are used for caller ID display format
■ 0 = Basic caller display
■ 1 = Extended caller display
■ 2 = Rockwell formatted display
■ 3 = Rockwell unformatted display