
S Registers 41
S31 Bit-mapped. Storable.
Bits 1-0. V.25bis selection (%V CMD)
0 = Asynchronous V.25 (%V1)
2 = HDLC V.25bis NRZ (%V3)
1 = Bisync V.25bis NRZ(%V2)
3 = HDLC V.25bis NRZI (%V4)
Bit 2. Synchronous mode V.13 operation (&C CMD)
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
Bit 3. Ignore keyboard abort on answer (%Q CMD)
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
Bit 4. DTE Autobauding (%B CMD)
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
Bits 5. Reserved
Bit 7,6. Command set selection (%V))
00 = AT command set (%VO)
10 = V.25bis enabled as per bits 1,0 (for other than%V1 -%V4))
01 = V.25ter (%V5)
11 = Not defined
S32 Bit-mapped. Storable.
Bits 1-0. Encryption mode select (#S CMD)
00 No encryption (#S0)
10 Reserved for later use
01 Force V.42bis encryption(#S1)
11 Reserved for later use
Bits 3-2. MNP Extended Services (-K CMD)
00 Disabled (-K0)
10 Enabled without MNP indication during the answer detect phase. (-K2)
01 Enabled (-K1)
Bit 4. Power level adjustment setting (M command)
0 Disable M0
1 Enabled M
Bits 6-5. Force an initial connection speed (*H CMD)
00 Highest supported (*H0)
01 1200 bps (*H1)
10 4800 bps (*H2)
Bit 7. MNP10 Select ()N CMD)
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
S33 Cellular Transmit Level. Value: 0 - 35. Default = 26. Storable.
S34 Answer Log-on Sequence. If set to 255, no log on in answer. Value: 0 - 9. Default =
0. Storable.
S35 Transmit Level (dBm). Value: 0 - 20. Default = 9. Storable.