Chapter 1 - System Configuration
CD-R Discs
On the CDR400At, you can use conventional CD-R discs that conform
to the Recordable Compact Disc Systems Part 2 (Orange Book).
Yamaha recommends the following Yamaha CD-R discs:
> CDM12Y63 (
120mm, 63 minutes)
> CDM12Y74 (
120mm, 74 minutes)
> CDM12Y74M (
120mm, 74 minutes)
> CDM12Y74T (
120mm, 74 minutes)
Read-only Discs
You can use discs with the logo which conform to the Compact
Disc Read Only Memory standard (CD-ROM standard, Yellow Book).
If you wish to use the audio functions, use discs with the logo,
which conform to the Compact Disc Digital Audio standard (Red Book).
• Phillips screwdriver
This is used to remove the
cover of your computer, and to install the Yamaha CDR400At drive.
• Long nose pliers
These are used to insert or remove the
jumper pin when setting the SCSI ID
and parity settings etc.of the Yamaha
CDR400At drive.