1 - Introduction
The TASCAM CD-RW5000 allows you to make
your own standard audio CDs, using cost-effective
standard CD-R discs. CD-RW discs can also be used,
allowing bad “takes” and tracks to be erased and
re-recorded as well as allowing whole discs to be
The CD-RW5000 permits tracks to be added one at a
time, or together, until the disc is “finalized”, allow-
ing it to be replayed on audio CD players.
Some models of CD player may not be able to
play certain discs produced on the
The CD-RW5000 provides professional-level
+4 dBu balanced inputs and outputs as well as unbal-
anced inputs and outputs at –10 dBV. Trimmer
potentiometers are provided on the balanced outputs
to allow precise signal matching.
The CD-RW5000 also provides a comprehensive set
of digital inputs: AES/EBU professional and SPDIF
consumer formats are both supported. The SPDIF
connectors are provided in both coaxial (RCA) and
optical form, and coaxial and optical digital outputs
are also provided in this format.
A sampling frequency converter is included in the
CD-RW5000, so that material from sources which
have not been recorded at the standard CD frequency
of 44.1 kHz (i.e. 48 kHz and 32 kHz) can be recorded
using digital transfer.
When recording from digital sources, the
CD-RW5000 can read not only the audio data, but
the track start data, etc., allowing automatic transfer
of material from DAT, etc. without the need for man-
ual intervention.
A wired remote control allows easy operation of the
CD-RW5000 from anywhere in the project location.
NOTE—Important notice
This product is designed to help you record
and reproduce sound works to which you own
the copyright, or where you have obtained
permission from the copyright owner or the
rightful licensor. Unless you own the copy-
right, or have obtained the appropriate per-
mission from the copyright owner or the
rightful licensor, your unauthorized recording,
reproduction or distribution thereof may result
in severe civil and criminal penalties under
copyright laws and international copyright
treaties. If you are uncertain about your rights,
contact your legal advisor. Under no circum-
stances will TEAC Corporation be responsible
for the consequences of any illegal copying
performed using the CD-RW5000.
1.1 About CD-R and CD-RW discs
CD-R discs can be recorded once only. Once they
have been used for recording, they cannot be erased
or re-recorded. However, if space is available on the
disc, additional material can be recorded. The pack-
aging of CD-R discs will include the following logo:
It is also possible to use discs which are marked as
“CD-R Digital Audio for Consumer”.
By contrast, the CD-RW disc can be used in much
the same way as a CD-R disc, but the last track
recorded can be erased before the disc has been
“finalized”, and the space on the disc can be re- used
for other recordings. The packaging of CD-RW discs
will include the a logo similar to the following:
However, you should note that an audio CD created
using a CD-RW disc may not play back satisfactorily
on every audio CD player. It will, naturally, be play-
able on the CD-RW5000. This is in no way a limita-
tion of the CD-RW5000 itself, but of the difference
between the different types of media and the methods
used to read them.
CD-R discs created on the CD-RW5000, by contrast,
may be played satisfactorily on the majority of audio
CD players.
For details of disc brands that are known to work
well with the CD-RW5000, contact your TASCAM